
About Us

We are pleased to inform you that The Pioneer Arts Education Society (TPAES) has been established at New Delhi as a Non Governmental and Non Profit Making organization registered Under Societies Act, 1860.

The Society is successfully and outrageously running Pioneer Music and Arts School, identified mission of revival and enrichment of Indian culture. Our society is engaged in the welfare, rehabilitation, imparting training in the Field of Music, Dance, Fine Arts and Cultural Activities since 2009.

The society, by establishing the Pioneer Music and Arts School, has fulfilled long left need which provides facilities of training in performing arts i.e., Classical and Light Music (Vocal and Instrumental) Classical Dance, Folk Dance, Indian and Western Drama and Art i.e., Drawing, Painting and Fine Art and Craft. The Centre is affiliated to Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh. The centre prepares students for examination of Recognized Universities to which it is affiliated. The school also prepares for the annual Music grade exams for Trinity Guildhall Examinations by Trinity College London And Rock School , London.